
Lighthouse in Honduras

Lighthouse Community Church of Des Moines, Iowa has partnered with Llamado Eterno (Eternal Calling) Church of Danlí, Honduras to bring hope to the impoverished “El Chacon” community.

Through Empowering Education International, members of Lighthouse Community Church are sponsoring children to go to school. This scholarship gives children living in extreme poverty the unique opportunity to not only receive an education, but also grow in the love and truth of Christ.

EEI and Lighthouse believe that true, lasting change is only possible through addressing the needs of the whole child: educational, physical, emotional, and spiritual; so they are working together to make sure sponsored children and their families not only receive all required uniforms and supplies, which often prevent children from attending school, but also are connected to the local church where they are counseled, taught Christian truth and values, and supported in their education through tutoring programs.

Lighthouse in Uganda

After a couple from Lighthouse adopted two children from Double Hope in 2015, they started to form a partnership. Through this partnership, the Empowering Education sponsorship program in Uganda was formed after joining a Lighthouse mission trip to Double Hope in 2018.

Lighthouse continues to work closely with Double Hope and regularly organizes mission trips to do medical brigades, construction projects, and more.

About Lighthouse

Lighthouse Community Church is a friendly, casual, and contemporary church on Des Moines’ south side. They offer an incredible community of people who are seeking God and exploring life together and committed to the vision God has laid before them.

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