El Chacon
About El Chacon
El Chacon is an extrememly impoverished community within the city of Danlí, Honduras. Living on ‘borrowed land’ from the government, families living in this community have no access to clean water or electricity and live mostly in houses made from mud and sticks, adobe bricks, or even plastic sheeting.
Children live in great need as parents struggle to provide for their basic needs let alone their schooling. The cycle of poverty runs strong as children most often drop out of elementary school barely knowing how to read and write to try and earn money for their families.
The Llamado Eterno church has parternered with Empowering Education International to begin a school focused on breaking the chains of poverty and empowering these children to work towards a brighter future for themselves and their families. Sponsored children from the El Chacon neighborhood attend the Llamado Eterno Christian School that offers a complete, high quality, and free education including classes in English and computers.

About Danlí
Danlí is a small city located about two hours from Honduras’ capital, Tegucigalpa, and very close to the Nicaraguan border.
Honduras is the third poorest country in the western hemisphere (behind Haiti and Nicaragua). Its economy rests on its coffee and banana exports. Lack of resources and cultivable land greatly hinders the economic progress of the country.
It has an estimated population of about 50,000. This small city is known mainly for its production of cigars and corn. Because of its altitude (2,673ft above sea level), the temperatures stay relatively cool for this topical region. Surrounded by mountains and gorgeous topical wilderness, it is certainly a beautiful place to live.
However, despite the breath-taking views, the skyline of mountains, and the sea of luscious green that surrounds you, what makes Danlí so special are the people. This town is filled with such warm, good natured and loving people. People are overjoyed to let you into their homes, share with you what little they have, and talk about their lives. They are open and kind. The children, though with so many responsibilities grow up too fast, are very quick to love and desperate to be loved in return.