to change the world
Change a Child's Life Forever... Now.
Did you know..?
- Most developing nations do not offer free public education.
- The burden of uniforms, teacher salaries, books and materials falls on the families already living in poverty.
- As many as 115 million primary school age children and 226 million secondary school age youth do not attend school in developing nations around the world.
- Educated girls and women are less vulnerable to HIV infection, human trafficking and exploitation.
- In developing, low-income countries, every additional year of education can increase a person’s future income by an average of 10%
Our Mission
Empowering Education International connects families struggling or unable to pay for the costs of schooling with families desiring to help.
We believe in addressing the needs of the WHOLE CHILD, the WHOLE FAMILY and the WHOLE COMMUNITY.
First, we address the financial obstacles preventing the child from attending school by offering a complete scholarship. This pays for a complete uniform, registration costs, school supplies, daily transportation to school and daily lunch money.
In many locations, we provide tutoring classes afterschool to all the children to not only go to school, but experience success.
However, knowing that true change comes only through Christ, we work with the local church to minister to these families and meet not only their physical needs, but also their spiritual and emotional ones as well.